I harbor within--we all do--a vision of our highest self, a dream of what I could and should become. May I pursue this vision, labor to make real my dream. Thus will I give meaning to my life.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wall Street Journal's Latest Push for Career Coaches

When it comes to business/professional advice, I consider the Wall Street Journal my Bible--a constant source of the top suggestions from talented writers the world over. I know there are other strong sources of similar wisdom but I always prefer this particular modicum of news.

In the last few months, I've noticed an increase in their advice to readers on the advantages of hiring a career coach and decided to actually post today's mention. The blurb below is from the WSJ's 12/31/2008 article titled, "How to Fix Your Life in 2009" and I've also included the URL if you'd like to read their other questions/answers.

Problem: Your job hunt is hitting a dead end.

Solution: Start by researching your online reputation. Enter your name into search engines to see what employers might find. If you have a profile on a social-networking site, such as Facebook or MySpace, be sure to remove any inappropriate photos or comments. Invest time in networking: Studies show that most jobs are filled through referrals. Inform friends, family, former colleagues, alumni, fellow parishioners and others that you're looking for work and that you'd welcome their help. Attend business events, such as industry conferences and seminars that cater to your career field. Create profiles on career-related networking sites, such as LinkedIn, ExecuNet and Plaxo, and participate in discussion boards to develop online relationships.
Meanwhile, consider hiring a career coach who can critique your résumé and interviewing skills and suggest ways to improve them.

—Sarah E. Needleman


In addition to providing these resources, coaches at ReFresh Your Step work with each client to ensure he or she is embarking on the career path most suitable for them. We know it takes time and effort to get to this point but feel strongly in the necessity to do so.

Despite the constant influx of news on a negative econommic/career outlook for next year, we believe that spending this time looking inward and working on a plan for both career and personal goals will help clients exponentially. Have a wonderful New Year's celebration and we look forward to working with you to make 2009 your best year yet!

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