I harbor within--we all do--a vision of our highest self, a dream of what I could and should become. May I pursue this vision, labor to make real my dream. Thus will I give meaning to my life.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Are You Going to Finish Strong?

Happy New Year and welcome to 2009--to be honest, 2008 was not a favorite year for many people so may we bid it adieu and look ahead to a bright and exciting new year, no matter what the economy and job market has in store!

I had a few other ideas in mind for today's post but then I received this interesting--and inspiring--video from my good friend Noah. Though I am not usually one to post videos, send email chain letters (unless, of course, I *want* my crush to call me in the next five minutes) or engage in any such similar forms of communication, this particular video really hit home. Please see below:


Each one of us has our own unique situations that may hold us back from either pursuing what we dream of or simply make life more challenging; however, I would be hardpressed to hear of anyone taking on life with such gusto and self-effacing humor than Nick Vujicic. I imagine he's not always so chipper but the fact that he has made a name for himself by facing what's obviously a difficult situation leads me to believe that each one of us can also finish strong in our own lives.

As I personally enter 2009, I know I have a great many obstacles before me but will try to keep everything in perspective--I've chosen to start my own company and know the hard work I've put into it and will continue to do so for the simple sake of following my own passion and career path. Additionally, I am still relatively new to the Atlanta area but know that the key to my personal happiness is to continue getting out there and building a network of friends, even if it means not being up in New York quite as much as I'd like. Lastly (for now), I am working on a few separate projects that, while they pose immense challenges, I know that actually finishing them will lead to an amazing sense of accomplishment further down the road. 2008 was tough but I hope 2009 is a banner year for everyone--let the coaches at ReFresh Your Step work with you to make this year your best yet!

How did Nick's video impact you? As you enter 2009, what goals have you set for yourself and, moreover, how can we help you reach them?

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