I harbor within--we all do--a vision of our highest self, a dream of what I could and should become. May I pursue this vision, labor to make real my dream. Thus will I give meaning to my life.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I used to be a journalist, meaning I followed the world’s news like some people follow the stock market (incidentally, I also followed financial headlines like some people follow the regular news). Perhaps I grew to be more sensitive to current events…or the number of atrocities across the continents just increased exponentially; regardless, I felt constantly barraged by stories of war, famine, terrorism and a startlingly high number of shark attacks. I decided to take a break from obsessing over CNN.com, lest I never travel or go into the ocean ever again.

After going semi-cold-turkey on my news fixation back in 2004, I found that I needed to fill my time with updates about some form of current events and it was around this time that I discovered E! Although I can easily hold a conversation with people about the latest headlines from the around the world, I’m also very happy discussing the god-awful dresses from Sunday’s Oscars.

Aside: Debbie Matenopoulos, if you ever read this and need someone to fill in for you on Fashion Police, please have your people call my people (aka, hit me up on the cell). Same thing goes for you, Giuliana Rancic and E! News.

The truth is, I used to feel somewhat ashamed of my growing interest in the world of celebrity gossip; however, I then realized that though I’ve not yet become a fan of TMZ and I do not have a subscription to US Weekly, keeping up with the latest stories from Tinseltown is my escape from reality.

On a related note, many of my friends and colleagues comment that they think I work 24-7; the truth is, I do work a lot but I have found it increasingly important that I take time away from the many emails, grad school papers, upcoming presentations and other assorted tasks on my to-do list. While I have tapped into my inner diva-wanna-be via E! and other similar outlets, I encourage everyone out there to find what it is that allows he or she to escape from reality and spend some time doing something for fun. Whether it’s a weekly golf game with buddies, shopping with friends, lounging around with a great chick novel or just catching up on American Idol, do it. Drop the ball on your work, spend some time doing something you love (even if you know it’s not the “respectable” thing to do) and take some time for yourself.

You may be wondering why a career coach would a) publically announce her love for Gossip Girl—er, I mean E! (though you now know my other form escapism) and b) encourage other people to do the same. Here’s why: letting work go for awhile and doing something that you enjoy will relax you…and your overworked brain/body. The result? You’ll return to reality with more energy and a brain ready to tackle your to-do list with a renewed sense of vigor.

In the end, all those tasks on your list will be met and accomplished from a healthier mindset…and you’ll still be spending some time doing a few things you truly love to do.

Now for the big question—does anyone else think that Angelina Jolie’s dress at the Oscars was awesome, while Jennifer Aniston’s looked like a four-year-old attacked it with a glitter pen?

Why else could taking time for your favorite activities be beneficial? What do you like to do to blow off some steam? What changes do you notice when you do and do not take the necessary breaks from work?

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